The arrival of fall is always an exciting time of year for the garden staff at Winterthur. Cooler weather cues fall planting, deadheading, and weeding which really means one thing: prep for the winter ahead. This is no different for migrating birds making their way through flyways heading to their overwintering locations. Did you know that Winterthur is a great place for birdwatching? Even a casual birdwatcher like myself can see some amazing avian animals pass through the property for all of autumn! Using tools like BirdCast from the Cornell Ornithology Lab, you can predict when a big wave of migrating birds will come through your area. It looks like we’ll see a bit of heightened activity come through Winterthur tonight! This week, I’ve been seeing small energetic warblers happily flitting through wooded riparian areas like Duck Pond Woods, Gray Building rd. and Old Nursery.
Clenny Run is a favorite spot of warblers like the Common Yellowthroat and the Black-and-white Warbler
You may also see raptors, like American Kestrels, Northern Harriers, and Red-tailed Hawks, soaring over meadows looking for a tasty snack.  Good places to see birds of prey are Old Gatehouse Meadow, Brown’s Meadow, and Armor Farm Meadow.
Adult Kestrel being banded by members of the DE Kestrel Partnership and DNREC
Don’t forget to consult our new trail map before you come, and bring your binoculars to see all the winged wonders coming through the property this fall! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled later in the season for migrating waterfowl and shorebirds!
Double-crested Cormorant on a branch in East Barn Pond; taken through binoculars