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Deirdre Murphy
Since childhood, Deirdre Murphy has been fascinated by nature, citing it as…

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Holes for One
Henry Francis du Pont loved golf so much, he built his own…

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Object of the Month: Rebus
I find these objects amazingly relatable to today’s communications, a revolutionary sort…

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Play Ball!
In its working days, Winterthur was large enough to field a baseball…

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What Jackie Saw at Winterthur
At Winterthur, Jacqueline Kennedy found priceless treasures and a great deal of…

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Object of the Month: Plaster Cat Figure
By Jeni Jackson  Assistant manager, tour programs  I am the resident cat…

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Too Tall for the Shelf
This towering clock by the renowned Peter Stretch stands as the most…

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Liberty for All?
A unique museum object represents a history of strong responses to complex…

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Object of the Month: Billiard Table
One of my dad’s favorite games is pool, so we had a…

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Guided Tours Are Back
Guided tours join the self-paced option, so visitors can experience Winterthur the…

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